Qualifications of Membership
The members of this Association shall be persons, firms or corporations engaged in construction work in the Illinois Valley. Categories of membership are listed below. Not more than one person representing any firm shall be entitled to vote at any of the meetings of the members of the Association.
Membership Listings by Category
(Click on a membership category name to get a membership listing of that category.)
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General Contractors
Any person, firm or corporation, of good repute, actively engaged as a General Contractor or Construction Manager, shall be eligible for General Contractor Membership.
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Associate Contractors
Any person, firm or corporation, of good repute, who is not a General Contractor or Construction Manager but who employs construction workers on construction job sites, shall be eligible for Associate Membership.
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Industry Affiliates
Membership is limited to individuals or firms in affiliated industries identified with construction and who have a material interest in the welfare of the industry and this Association, and does not participate in Commercial Construction.