2024-2025 Wage Directory Of Area Labor Organizations
This directory has been prepared from information collected and maintained by the Illinois Valley Contractors Association.
Reasonable care has been taken in collecting and maintaining the data to ensure its accuracy. The Illinois Valley Contractors Association does not, however, guarantee that any wage web page maintained by them, is without error. The Illinois Valley Contractors Association disclaims any liability from any damages of any kind, which may result from the use of this data.
To obtain current wage and fringe information, click on the desired trade name.
[su_spoiler title=”Bricklayers, Tile Setter & Tile Finishers Local #6″ icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Carpenters Local #174 – Commercial” icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Carpenters Local #174 – Residential” icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Cement Masons Local #11″ icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Cement Masons Local #18″ icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Ironworkers Local #444″ icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Laborers Local #393 – Commercial & Residential & Heavy/Highway” icon=”plus-circle”]
Download Commercial & H/H wage and fringe info
Download Residential wage and fringe info
[su_spoiler title=”Operating Engineers Local #150 (District 5)” icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Roofers Local #11″ icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Sheet Metal Workers Local #1″ icon=”plus-circle”]
[su_spoiler title=”Teamsters Local #722″ icon=”plus-circle”]